Laser Vein Treatment For Spider Veins & Varicose Veins

Laser Vein Treatment

Laser Vein Treatment

Laser vein treatment can reduce the appearance of spider veins or varicose veins using the latest laser technology. These vein patterns are often found around the legs, thighs, arms, hands, or face and can take away from your clear complexion. Unsightly red or blue varicose or spider veins underneath the skin may form as a result of aging, genetics, or obesity. Environmental factors, such as overexposure to the sun or a gradual loss of skin elasticity may also contribute to the appearance of prominent vein patterns. Laser vein reduction is designed to deliver concentrated laser heat energy to spider or varicose veins, effectively breaking up vein clusters over time for long-lasting improvements with minimal downtime and recovery. Laser vein therapy can treat different sized vein patterns, depending on the needs of the patient.

Laser Vein Treatment At A Glance
Reduces the appearance of vein clusters around the thighs, legs, arms, hands, or face
Uses laser energy to break up varicose veins and spider veins
Small vein patterns can be targeted using laser vein reduction
Can achieve a smoother, more youthful skin texture
Minimally invasive treatment results in little healing time and recovery
Multiple laser vein treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal results

Your Laser Vein Treatment Procedure

Laser vein treatments are usually performed in-office. If necessary, your vein reduction procedure can be performed at an outpatient surgical facility. During treatment, laser energy is directed underneath the skin to the underlying vein patterns. Laser heat energy effectively breaks apart the targeted vein clusters without damaging surrounding tissues or veins. After undergoing vein reduction, spider and varicose veins will begin to gradually dissipate as they are processed by the body.

Your laser vein reduction procedure can be combined with other vein treatments, such as Sclerotherapy, if necessary. Skin care treatments, including laser skin tightening, laser skin resurfacing, or laser acne treatment can also be used alongside vein reduction.

Laser Vein Treatment Specifics

Treatment Areas Conditions Treated Procedure Overview Aftercare
Legs & Thighs Spider Veins Laser energy is directed to vein clusters Slight bruising or redness may occur around the treatment area
Arms & Hands Varicose Veins Heat from the laser breaks up underlying veins Compression garment may be applied, depending on the extent of treatment
Face Telangiectasia (small blood vessels) Veins gradually dissolve from view Patients can usually resume daily activities immediately

What To Expect After Undergoing Your Laser Vein Treatment

You may be given a compression garment or bandage after undergoing laser vein treatment, depending on the extent of your procedure. Slight bruising or redness may occur after treatment and should subside within a few weeks. Patients are encouraged to walk frequently after laser vein reduction for the legs to ensure proper vein function. Daily activities can usually be resumed immediately following laser vein therapy. Further specifics and timeframes can be discussed with your plastic surgeon during your in-office consultation.

Laser vein treatment can provide long-term improvements to skin texture by reducing varicose or spider veins. Numerous sessions may be needed to achieve optimal results. You should begin to see a reduction in vein clusters around the treatment area(s) in subsequent weeks.

Get Started With Laser Vein Treatment

Click here to find a member of the Persian American Society of Plastic Surgeons near you and get started with your laser vein treatment consultation.

Laser Vein Treatment
Persian American Society Of Plastic Surgeons





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